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Session Times and Open Afternoon's

Nursery (3 - 4 years) Nursery Session Times and Open Afternoons

At Thorpe Lea Primary and Nursery we offer both part-time and full-time Nursery places. Currently, the government fund fifteen hours of free childcare for all three-year-olds the term after they are three during term time. We provide this entitlement through a two and a half-day split week, Monday to Wednesday AM and Wednesday PM to Friday (term time only). With such large premises, we are in the position to offer parents the opportunity for their child to attend Nursery for the full day (8.40 - 3.10). Please find our session times outlined below:

Part-Time Hours* (15 hours government funded)

Session A 

Monday and Tuesday 8.45 am - 3.10 pm
Wednesday  8.45 am - 11:40 am



Session B     

Wednesday 12:15 pm - 3:10pm
Thursday and Friday 8.45 am - 3:10 pm



* Please note that Thorpe Lea Nursery provides children with their fifteen hours free entitlement each week.

Full-Time Hours (optional)

Thorpe Lea Nursery currently offers two types of full-time provision: a two and a half-day and a five day week.

30 Hours

If you work and your child is 3 or 4 years old, you may be eligible for 30 hours a week funded early education and childcare.

To claim your 30 hours, apply for your code now on the below link.

Additional Provision

Breakfast Club - There is the opportunity to drop your child off at 7.45 am through the school's breakfast club at the additional charge of £5.00 per day.

School Lunch - Those who are full time can receive a freshly cooked school lunch at the charge of £2.70 per day.

Open Afternoons

Each year, we really look forward to welcoming new parents to Thorpe Lea. We will be holding a series of open afternoon visits for prospective Nursery parents between November and May, on the dates below. Please note that spaces are strictly limited and MUST be pre-booked:

  • Tuesday, 5th November at 2pm
  • Wednesday, 15th January at 2pm
  • Monday, 3rd March at 2pm 
  • Wednesday, 14th May at 2pm 

The visits start with a presentation, followed by a tour of the school. The whole visit lasts about 1/2 hour. 

If you would like to book a place on one of our open afternoon's, please email our school office on letting us know your name(s), a contact telephone number, and whether you would like to book one or two parent places. 

We look forward to meeting you soon.