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At Thorpe Lea Primary School we are passionate about educating children about E-Safety. Teachers embed internet safety into their curriculum, through their computing lessons and also in whole school and Key Stage assemblies. Our aim is to equip children with the skills that allow them to use technology effectively and safely. Children will need to become digitally literate in order to fully receive the benefits of technology in both leisure and in the world of work. Our intent is to provide the children opportunities to think critically about where their information comes from; think imaginatively in their use of technology to solve problems; think creatively and use technology to assist them in other areas in the curriculum. 


Computing is taught weekly in KS1 and KS2 and there are regular opportunities for children to use the equipment in other subjects throughout the broader curriculum. In the Foundation Stage, children interact with technology on a regular basis through Beebots, class computers and the Interactive Whiteboard. Our lessons are supported by software such as Scratch and we have a class set of Chromebooks which are readily available to allow children internet access while in the classroom. Teachers are fully equipped with iPads to photograph and experiences and learning and. Each class have access to individual logins to to enhance their typing skills and building up to touch typing. Children are taught to identify the parts of the computer and their function, explain algorithms and how they are used in day to day life, code, debug, think critically, use technology safely and create artwork.  E-safety lessons are taught regularly throughout the school year as well as whole school events such as Safer Internet Day. Staff meetings allow for teachers to refresh and recap their subject knowledge as well as moderate their assessment on children’s learning.


Children’s learning in monitored by children having their evidence saved and marked on a shared drive. Learning walks take place regularly and children are asked for their opinion on how successful their comping lessons are. Children are aware of possible dangers online and they are equipped to avoid and resolve any possible issues. Children at Thorpe Lea Primary School will be digitally literate and will active members within the continuously developing digital world. This is achieved by having all children reach age related expectations.


Online safety plays a huge role at Thorpe Lea and we actively encourage the children to think about what they are doing online and what they are viewing. We have put together two E-safety pages on our website, one aimed at the children and one for parents. The links to the pages can be found to the right and below.

E-Safety for Children

E-Safety for Parents


Hour Of Code To celebrate National Computer Science Week, every child took part in a special 1 Hour of Code lesson. Similar lessons can be found at the here