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At Thorpe Lea, we value democracy and believe that all members of our school community have a voice and contribute to the running of the school. Democracy is central to how we operate.

All adults listen to our pupils and each pupil listens carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard.  We encourage pupils to take ownership of not only their school but also of their own learning and progress.  This encourages an increased sense of both personal and social responsibility and helps create a family ethos.

At the start of each academic year we run a school council election. Children have the opportunity to put forward their statement and all children are encouraged to vote for whom they feel would represent their voice. Every week, we hold school council meetings where children discuss topics of their choice. This is then fed back to their respective classes. 

In Key Stage 2, there is an opportunity for children to elect a house captain who champions their house to collect house points and encourage their team in the annual sports day competition. Underpinning all of our PSHE sessions are our school values of honesty, responsibility, teamwork, excellence and happiness. Regular pupil conferencing occurs across all the curriculum subjects enables us to tailor the subjects taught to the pupils' needs. 

Questionnaires and feedback forms allow parents the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions. These in turn directly affect any future strategic decisions made.