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SPaG is an abbreviation for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Children have always been taught how to use punctuation and how to spell. However, with the implementation of the new primary curriculum, children are now expected to learn grammar to a fairly high level.

The development of SPaG (particularly in KS2) was an important part of the school development plan for 2020-21 and is something we are continuing to focus on this academic year (2021-22). The following initiatives have been put in place to enhance the quality of SPaG across the school, enabling pupils to achieve their very best in writing:

  • From years 2-6 SPaG features as a lesson in the daily timetable
  • An additional spelling lesson, called Spelling Seeds, which links to class texts, is taught once weekly from years 2-6
  • All writing is modelled to children in class to demonstrate the effective use of SPaG
  • Children's progress in SPaG is assessed termly
  • Same day interventions are used to provide targeted intervention to address individual children's areas of development in SPaG