Science is a core subject alongside English and Maths where all teachers have worked together to design and implement cross-curricular activities that will enable children to embed their scientific knowledge and make vital connections. The subject leader is Mrs Marwick.
At Thorpe Lea, we aim to teach a high-quality science curriculum that provides the foundations for understanding the world through biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world's prosperity. Children will be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
Our intention is for the children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena when learning about science. We encourage them to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. It is important that from an early age the children are using the correct scientific language both orally and in written work so that this becomes a habit as they move through their academic career.
Science is taught weekly from Year 1 to Year 6 through a combination of the Oak National Academy scheme of work and our own tailored lesson plans where quizzes, discussion points and activities to work scientifically, have been thoughtfully planned across the school. In the foundation Stage, the children are provided with a range of exciting activities both indoor and outdoor that are closely linked to the modules that they will be covering as they move into KS1 and beyond.
Teachers have reflected upon Schemes of Work used in the past and it was decided that a "hybrid" approach to the teaching of Science would enhance the quality of teaching and learning, as the main platform across the school will be consistent but planning and activities are tailored to the context of our school. Teachers are now working collaboratively to design quality plans that include vocabulary, misconceptions, questioning and an assessment opportunity at the end of each unit. We have ensured that children cover the entire curriculum during their time at Thorpe Lea Primary School. Our curriculum is designed so that certain topics will reoccur during a child's time at the school.
We have also developed a partnership with the Unity Schools Trust who come into the school to provide high quality lessons that allow our students to get hands on with scientific equipment usually only found in secondary schools and support them in bridging the gap between primary and secondary science.
- Year 1 - Wonderful Woodlice - 24th April 2024 - TBC
- Year 2 - Delightful Development - 20th March 2024 - TBC
- Year 3 - Light - 16th April 2024 - TBC
- Year 4 - Wonderful Winds - 17th April 2024 - TBC
- Year 5 - Earth and Space - 23rd April 2024 - TBC
- Year 6 - Heart Dissection - 19th March 2024 - TBC
There are three school trips that have a science objective:
- Reception - Bockett's Farm - All Creatures Great and Small - completed
- Year 2 - RHS Wisley Gardens - Plant Workshop and Kitchen Garden tour - completed
- Year 5 - Space Museum - completed
We have a "Daffodil Day" planned during Autumn Term to encourage children across the school to plant bulbs and observe them over time and contribute collectively to improving their natural environment.
Teaching and learning is monitored through learning walks, book looks, pupil voice through school council and both internal and external moderations.
Our teachers provide half termly assessments on the children based on their professional judgement that is closely monitored by the subject lead.
We are confident that the activities produced are engaging, informative and that our partnership with the Unity Schools Trust will help to bridge the gap between primary and secondary science and will provide the children with strong foundations in science that they can push on from as they move into secondary education and beyond.
VR (Virtual Reality) Workshop - 27th March 2023
Dr Metcalfe Year 2 Workshop - Delightful Development
Science Day 2021
Frogspawn in Year 2 for British Science Week 2022/2023
British Science Week 10th March 2023 - 17th March 2023
Dr Metcalfe Year 3 Workshop - Light
Dr Metcalfe Year 4 Workshop - Wonderful Wind
Dr Metcalfe Year 5 Workshop - Earth and Space
Dr Metcalfe Year 6 Workshop - Magical Mirrors