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Welcome from the Headteacher


Thank you for visiting our website, which I hope provides a window into our wonderful school. The staff, governors and I would like to welcome you to Thorpe Lea Primary School & Nursery.

Thorpe Lea Primary is a one-form entry school offering education for children aged 3 to 11 years.  We have an ambitious, well-sequenced, research-based and contextualised curriculum that engages and challenges our pupils, enabling them to become enthusiastic, independent lifelong learners and achieve excellence. The moment a child enters our Nursery they become part of a family built on commitment and togetherness that extends into our local community. 

The values of high expectations, respect, teamwork, diversity, nurturing care, communication and creativity are the golden thread that run through all of our teaching and relationships. We uphold and teach our pupils about British values such as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. These values are promoted through our words and deeds. 

Reading is a huge priority for us as we know that learning to read fluently and developing a love of reading opens up the curriculum, the world around us and improves life chances. 

We form strong partnerships with parents to ensure each child flourishes during their time at our school. Each child at our school will only be successful if they feel safe and secure. Thorpe Lea is a happy, nurturing place to be and the safeguarding of our children is our highest priority. 

A range of sporting, creative and academic enrichment opportunities are offered, ensuring every child is valued and can develop their talents. We work in partnership with parents to support every child’s personal development. 

Mr A Collin 
